Add Images from Stock Library
Outreach Sites comes preloaded with over 1,000 Outreach designed images for your ministry to use on your website. We have seasonal, invitational and blank colored stock imagery you can use on your homepage, as page headings or wherever you may need imagery. Plus, we'll be adding more throughout the year.
Accessing the Stock Library

You can browse and select stock images using the visual builder in the image settings for sections, rows, and modules. When you are updating images, you'll see the Stock Images library on the left. You can use the search bar or keep scrolling through the images to find what you're looking for.
Add Text to Images

You can add text on stock images to customize them even more. Use an inviting call to action and a button to direct your users where you want them to go.
Accessing the Stock Library

You can browse and select stock images using the visual builder in the image settings for sections, rows, and modules. When you are updating images, you'll see the Stock Images library on the left. You can use the search bar or keep scrolling through the images to find what you're looking for.
Add Text to Images

You can add text on stock images to customize them even more. Use an inviting call to action and a button to direct your users where you want them to go.
Updated on: 09/17/2018
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